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  • Pro Audio & recording
  • CI-C8E

    CIOKS 8 (expanderkit)*8 outlet in 8 isolated DC, 5v USB and 24V DC AUX OUT with 2A Max

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    The largest member of the Future Power Generation

    CIOKS 8 is our largest switch-mode power supply expander and it features 8 isolated outlets which each deliver 9V DC at 660mA. All outlets offer four selectable voltages (9, 12, 15 or 18V).

    CIOKS 8 was mainly designed to be used as a large extension to the DC7 power supply in case you need more outlets. If you want to use CIOKS 8 as an extension to the DC7, simply connect CIOKS 8 to the courtesy 24V outlet on your DC7 with the included 24V DC Link cable and you are good to go.

    If you are looking for a super powerful power supply setup to power a large pedalboard, the combination of CIOKS DC7 and CIOKS 8 will definitely be an awesome solution where this combo will give you 15 isolated outlets in total plus a 5V USB outlet to charge your smartphone or tablet.