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  • Guitar & Bass Pickups

    Buy guitar pickups online from Sky Music

    There’s no doubt that guitar pickups make a huge difference to the sound coming from your guitar or bass. Pickups stylistically enhance the sound your amp receives and then pumps out to an audience, and is a way to sculpt your tone to suit the music you want to play. 

    It’s an age-old story: you find the guitar of your dreams but it’s surface deep. The body shape is perfect, you love the feel of it, and the colour is on point but the sound, not so great. Sure, strings, tone and hardware will make a difference, but pickups are key. Changing pickups changes the way the perfect-looking guitar sounds. It’s a great solution to not being able to afford the Gibson or Fender you wanted starting out. If you opted for a cheaper guitar to fit your budget, no problem. Improve the sound by investing in electric guitar pickups.