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    Tech 21 FR-BASS Bass FlyRig

    ⓘ Product ETA: Call for ETA

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    TECH 21 was hammered with requests for a bass version of the Fly Rig 5 since the day it was introduced. How could they not answer the call? They went a little crazy and stuffed everything they could into the Bass Fly Rig, except the kitchen sink, Rhode Island and a submarine.


    • OCTAFILTER brings an entire re-invented pallette of expression with a crazy amount of possibilities, from Minimoog®-style synth to funky town
    • Headphone button switches 1/4” output to headphone mode
    • 1/4-inch 4.7megOhm input to deliver the full sound of piezos
    • Input Pad for active basses
    • XLR output with ground connect
    • 1/4-inch low impedance output
    • Rugged, all-metal housing
    • Metal footswitches and jacks
    • Silent-switching, custom footswitch actuators
    • Utilizes included 9V DC power supply, 200mA