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    Boss WLT Wireless Transmitter

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    Boss WLT Wireless Transmitter

    Spare Transmitter for the WL Series, KATANA-AIR and WAZA-AIR

    The WL-T Wireless Transmitter is compatible with WL-series wireless systems and the Katana-Air wireless guitar amp, providing a spare to use if your original transmitter is lost or damaged. When pre-charged, it also functions as a backup transmitter for live performances. To charge the WL-T’s built-in battery and establish a connection to your BOSS wireless receiver, simply follow the same procedures used with the original transmitter included with your system.

    The WL-T works with the following BOSS wireless products: WL-20, WL-20L, WL-50, KATANA-AIR and WAZA-AIR

    Note: The WL-T has no audio functionality as a standalone device. To transmit sound, it must be used in conjunction with the wireless receiver in one of the products listed above.