Now is the time to divide and achieve with PayPal Pay in 4!
Make interest-free payments.
No late fees.
Get a decision in seconds.
Backed by the same security and PayPal Buyer Protection you expect from PayPal.
Available at millions of merchants online.
Terms & Conditions:
1Offer is available to eligible PayPal account holders and availability may depend on merchant, transaction type and amount.
2PayPal Pay in 4 allows you to pay for eligible purchases valued between AU$30 and $2,000 in 4 interest-free instalments.
3Your first instalment is due at the time you make your purchase. The next 3 instalments are due every 2 weeks after your first instalment.
4There is no sign-up fee and repayments are made automatically from your PayPal account using the payment method you select.
5You may repay the amount you owe in full at any time, without any fees or charges.
6If an instalment amount is advertised, it is based on the advertised purchase price and may not include additional costs like shipping, insurance, currency conversion, etc.
7When you apply, we may carry out a credit check and if you miss a repayment, it may impact your credit rating.