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  • PHP-3002C

    Pearl Demon Drive Double Pedal - Chain Drive

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    The Demon Chain pedal combines all of the innovative features of the Demon Drive pedal with all the power, speed, and traditional feel that so many players demand. The Perfect Circle cam provides a smooth consistent response throughout the entire range of the stroke for pinpoint accuracy and control. If you demand the feel of a chain drive in a high performance package, take the Demon out for a test drive.


    • The “linear-response” Perfect Circle Cam provides consistent and smooth feel throughout the entire stroke for pinpoint accuracy and superb control. The racing-inspired Cam is designed to minimize mass and maximize speed and power transfer. 
    • The Demon Chain Pedal is driven by the ultra-lightweight Power Chain with low-friction rollers for speed, and double chain construction for power and dependability. The orange anodized link plates identify the Demon Chain as a member of the Demon family of pedals.