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  • SVT-3PRO

    Ampeg SVT-3PRO Bass Head

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    The sound is in your head. You've played countless instruments in search of the ultimate soul mate. Now you need an amp that will speak your sound to the audience. That’s where the SVT-3PRO comes in. There’s a reason this amp is a best seller—it delivers the goods! With up to 450 watts and the sweet sound of tubes, the SVT-3PRO is the top choice of rockers and funkmeisters around the globe.

    It’s all about tone. The SVT-3PRO’s Frequency control allows you to select the center frequency for the Midrange control, giving you a choice of five distinct “voices” for the Midrange. The center frequencies are 220Hz, 450Hz, 800Hz, 1.6kHz and 3kHz. And if that’s not enough, you can use the 9-Band Graphic EQ to custom tailor your sound even more. Or use the EQ to set up a footswitchable “second channel” for your show-stopping bass solo.

    The SVT-3PRO offers SVT tone and performance (with a few modern enhancements) in a convenient rackmount design. Moderate size, significant power and genuine Ampeg Round Sound… everything a serious bassist needs. Dozens of the world-class artists depend on the SVT-3PRO to get the job done, day in and day out.

    • Tube Drive Control
    • 1/4” and Neutrik Speakon® Outputs
    • Input Peak LED
    • Input Pad and Bright Switch
    • Mute Switch and Tuner Out








    275W (8 Ohms); 250W (4 Ohms)

    Preamp Tubes

    3x 12AX7; 1 x 12AX7, 1 x 12AU7 Driver Tubes

    Effects Loop



    26 lbs.