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    Vater Classics 5B Wood Tip - SUGAR MAPLE

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    Length 16 | 40.64cm
    Grip 0.595 | 1.51cm

    These profiles and sizes have been some of the core models in the drumstick world since the birth of the “trap set”. Jack Adams [Alan & Ron Vater’s Grandfather] even hand-turned some of these drumstick profiles at Jack’s Drum Shop in Boston back in the 1950’s and 60’s. Fast forward to the 1980’s, before the Vater brand was launched, the Vater Family found themselves lathe turning these same stick designs for their biggest customer who happens to now be one of our direct competitors.

    We’re revisiting some Vater History with the launch of Vater Classics. 6 core models lathe turned to their classic specs and profiles, just like we made back in our barn in the 1980’s.

    A little undersized in grip as compared to the popular Vater 5B. Classics 5B is very versatile in many musical applications and playing styles with its very comfortable grip size.

    Also available in Hickory.